1 / 6
Damsel Brown
2 / 6
Damsel Olive
3 / 6
Golden Stonefly
4 / 6
GT Olive
5 / 6
GT Orange
6 / 6
Stonefly Black
MS Nymph Dubbing
A small to large nymph dubbing with various legs colors
using fine legs. Great for damsels, dragons, caddis
pupa, large and small stonefly nymphs as well as using
MS Nymph Dubbing in place of traditional materials.
Brush out and you wonderful leg movement on every
pattern. 6 colors to choose from. Drop Down
Menu has the 6 color MS Nymph set for $8.00.
Price: $1.35 per bag
Damsel Olive
Golden Stonefly
GT Olive
GT Orange
Stonefly Black |