Fly tyers Dungeon Home of unique fly tying Materials

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Fly Tying Materials
Fly Tying Gift Boxes
Dealer Program
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Contact FTD & Shipping Info

FTD Ships Via USPS Postal Service

Fly Tyers Dungeon (FTD)
Box 699
Florence MT 59833

Fly Tyers Dungeon Face Book Page

Fly Tyers Dungeon YouTube Fly Tying Videos

Fly Tyers Dungeon - Home of Unique Fly Tying Materials Used Worldwide!

SUPER SPECIAL...Congo PLUS at $1.00 per pack!!!

Congo PLUS Box...22 colors for $20.00!!!

  FTD will be sending an email newsletter thru the Shopify program and/or FTD mailing. You can sign up when you checkout or here...E-Newletter Page.  

If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas please contact me at: or 406-396-3949

On The Drawing Board
NEW Pearl Blitz...Various Pearl colors blended together in beautiful fish mixes. A nice "crimp" appearance for all fly patterns. Coming in 2025

Extension Shanks
...3" long stainless steel shank for streamer extensions with a loop end for attaching large to small tails, hooks etc. Coming in 2025

BGD colors

In Production
StarBurst...some new pearl colors delayed until March 2025

Fire Flash...a FIRE pearl flash like Arctic Flash but with a 'Fire' look. Fire Pearl and Fire Pearl dyed in 'Soft' colors...beautiful! delayed until late March 2025
New Products/Colors
ULTRA Flash Streamer brushes in 12 color combos.

Super Kraken...4 new colors (more coming)...Blue Crayfish, Copper Blue Crayfish, Crayfish and Deadly Pink!

Congo PLUS...3 new colors of Congo PLUS: Bait Brown - Silver Shiner - Sun Yellow.

Bug Legs Closeout...these are old style, a test style and older colors in sets of 8 different colors for $5.50 (normally $10.80)

Realeyz...closeout price of $.25 per pack (20 eyes) while supplies last!

Big Game Hooks C600 and OCT56... now at 50% off as these are being closed out. While supplies last!

Material Grab Bags at $3.00 each

Dubbing Grab Bags...1/2 to 3/4 full dubbing bags from dry flies, nymphs and streamer dubbings. 5 bags for $1.50.

  New Videos
Big Game 'Snap' System
Simple interchangeable heads and tails fly system

Fly Tyers Dungeon...has been offering quality and unique fly tying materials for over 40 years and on the net since 1999. FTD is home of unique fly tying materials manufactured in our 'Dungeon' facility. Since we are a manufacturer we have the best prices...anywhere!!!

Our product lines are OUR product lines, we don't carry other manufacturers, distributors or wholesalers products. We control everything, including our low prices which are the best in the business. We also offer a unique dealer program and a dealer newsletter. If you wish to be on the dealer list please email me directly at and put in the subject line...Add to Dealer List. Please include the email you wish to receive the dealer updates.

We ship worldwide and have customers in over 45 countries and dealers worldwide.

To keep up to date on FTD news, new products and our specials sign up for our e-newsletter or follow us on Facebook as we post everything that is FTD right there...FTD events, news, tying videos, images, new products, test materials, specials as constant FTD updates are happening!

From time to time we have the ability to due custom work especially in the dubbing line in colors, blends, bulk etc. Please contact us at: (minimums may be required) for custom requests.

Gift Cards available

If you prefer the old format/web site it has been uploaded to the web address below. Update changes will be made to it shortly.

 Hi Floar Fibers Dry Wing and Tail Fly Tying Materials for Dry Flies

Box 699 - Florence MT 59833